Monday, March 29, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Not just a school
Pinoy Media Congress year 5
I hope I can still join the next pinoy media congress although my course doesn't have anything to do with the event sine I'm a Veterinary medicine Student. The Congress was absolutely fun.
Nervous system- constitutes a network of communication channels that spreads to every part of the body.
- composed of two interrelated systems.
2 types of nervous system
Central nervous system- composed the brain and the spinal cord where the information processed and decisions are made.
Peripheral nervous system- it consists of nerves.
1. Somatic nervous system- consists of both sensory and motor neurons. It controls voluntary movements.
2. Autonomic nervous system- controls the involuntary movements.
Ex. Respiration, circulation, heart intestines, blood vessels and glands.
Basic elements of nervous system
Neuron- basic unit of the nervous system. It is a special nerve tissue which serves a special function.
3 distinct parts of neuron
a. Dendrites
b. The cell body
c. Axon
Dendrites- are found at the end of the cell body. They are fine and tiny hairline structures. It looks like a branch of tree.
Axon-distinct part of the neuron which is found at its other end. Only one axon in neuron.
Axon terminal/end brush- an elongated with one or more in formations at it far ends.
Synaptic transmission- the process of transmitting information from neuron to neuron.
2 types of neurons
(Classified according to length and functions)
a. Long conducting neurons
b. Correlating neurons
Long conducting neurons- has long single dendrites. Pathways of the central nervous system.
Correlating neurons- has short dendrites and axon. Provide many connections and pathways for neural excitations.
Neurons classified as according to their functions in nervous system
a. Sensory- environmental stimuli and information about environments.
b. Association neurons- found between sensory and motor neurons. It conveys impulses from sensory to motor neurons.
c. Motor/efferent neurons- control activities of muscles and glands. It carries nerve impulses.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
- the awareness of thought, sensations, and feelings.
Factors influencing states of consciousness:
1. Aspects of consciousness
a. Consciousness is a process
b. Usually marked by a subjective awareness
c. The reality of consciousness
2. Biological Rhythms
a. Circadian Rhythms
- patterns of activity in the body that are regularly repeated.
Points to consider about the BIOLOGICAL CYCLES:
1. Length of the cycle
2. The individual’s variability
3. Human activity cycle
- The pause that refreshes
1. Kalat (1986-128) proposed 2 theories:
a. The repair and restoration Theory
- states that the body, after working the whole day, has to be repaired and restored of whatever has been worn out.
b. The Evolutionary Theory
- thought of as an instinctive response which is useful to keep us out in danger.
2. McConnell (1986-58)
a. Sleep as adaptive response
b. Sleep as restorative response
Raphe system - responsible for arousal in the brain
Stage 0 (pre-sleep stage)
Stage 1 – sleep becomes deep
Stage 2 – characterized by sleep splashes of burst of waves
Stage 3 – characterized by brain waves and sleep spindles tend to disappear
Stage 4 – person will lose consciousness
- person will experience his deepest sleep
REM (Rapid eye movement)
- comes after the 4th stage
1. Signs of irritability and impulsiveness
2. Reaction will be slower
3. Poorer intellectual intelligence
4. Apathy
1. Narcolepsy
- Sleep attack
2. Insomnia
- suffers from real and imagined failures of the sleep
4 Main Types:
a. sleep-onset insomnia
b. sleep-awakening
c. early termination
d. light sleep insomnia
3. Sleep Walking
- occurs at stage 4, mostly during late childhood
4. Sleep Talking
- occurs at stage 0,talking while sleeping
5. Apnea
- characterized by labored breathing while sleeping leading to gasping, wheezing,
snoring sounds
6. Bedwetting
- most common type of sleep disorder, and occurs in stage 4 at REM sleep.
- Conscious series of images
a. Biological – people dream in order to remain asleep
b. Psychological – people dream in order to become awake
1. Lucid Dreaming – act of maintaining some low level of consciousness
2. Nightmares – the body will seldom be aroused to a panic state
2 types of nightmares:
a. Night terror – begins at 4th stage
b. Anxiety nightmares – usually occurs when a person is recovering from sickness.
3. Daydreams – kind of fantasy or wishful thinking.
-sometimes it is a good motivation for a person.
1. Positive – motivation for creative thinking.
- provides outlets for our frustrations, anger, boredom, and other emotions.
2. Negative – distracting
- fear of failure, lead to doubt one’s worth and ability.
- State of narrowly focused attention in which the hypnotized person somehow becomes
extremely suggestible. (McConnell 1986)
- a condition or state allied to normal sleep which can be artificially induced and is
characterized by marked susceptibly to suggestion and considerable loss of will power and
1. Light interaction
2. Deep, sensory, and motor functions
3. Use verbal persuasiveness to introduce a trance.
Somnambulistic – the appearance of being awake though consciousness is under the control of
the hypnotist.
1. The Disassociation Theory
- states that the brain systems are independent and isolated.
- controls shifting from normal control system to another system during the
2. Role Behavior Theory
- explains that hypnosis is simply a result of suggestibility motivating instructions.
McConnell (1986)
- Hypnosis is partly made up of role playing and learning how to control the way you perceive your sensory inputs.
- most ancient technique for inducing an altered state of consciousness without the use of drugs.
- Resting
- The person focuses his attention on a particular sound or image, breathing deeply, and relaxing his muscle.
- a trial and error method
The value of this method:
a. certain kinds of learning come more easily during the hypnagogic consciousness and thereby achieve better adjustment in life.
b. strong sensation and vivid imagination that can happen during this state.
- used as a direct method to increase or decrease the activities of the neurons.
- is any substance that can affect the body functions.
- They are taken in small doses that significantly increases or decreases cellular activities in the body.
- it can affect the sensory inputs, the central processing, the motor activity, and the mental processes of the body when taken.
Classification of drugs:
- drugs that can affect the body’s activity level.
- known as “uppers” and “downers”
A. Uppers
a. Caffeine - most common type of uppers.
b. Amphetamines or pep pills – more dangerous than any other uppers because it can cause
paranoid schizophrenia, a severe mental disorder.
B. Downers
a. Barbiturates – strongest downers.
- Sometimes called the “sleeping pills “
General effects of stimulants in the person’s body activity level:
- Inhibit neutral activity and put a person to sleep.
- Slows heartbeat and retarded breathing
- Slows down mental and physical reaction
- The physical and psychological effects range from mildly unpleasant to immediately deadly.
- Can lead to depression and other types of mental disorders.
Drugs that affect the sensory inputs of the body:
a. Aspirin – type of drug that relieves pain.
b. Analgesics – drugs that can reduce pain.
• Opium poppy – analgesic that inhibits the process painful input in the various neural centers of the brain.
• Opiate – more potent medicine in relieving pain.
• Enkophalin, endorphin, and opliod peptides
• - mild pain killer relievers
• Morphine – comes from opiate, powerful pain killer
• Procaine or novocaine – synthetic forms of cocaine that kill pain by inhibiting neural transmission.
• Cocaine – moderately strong drugs
- made from the leaves of coca plant.
- causes severe damage in throat and nose
Drugs that can affect the central processes of the nervous system:
a. Hallucinogens – capable of producing changes in perception like hallucination.
b .PCP or Angel Dust – replaced LSD and Mescaline as the most abused drugs.
c .LSD and PCP – two strongest hallucinogens.
- causes alteration in the brain and activity perception.
- Distorts time
- Affects the perception of color, sound, and shape
- PCP can cause strong hallucination, and paranoia
d. Paranoia - the users become destructive and violent to others as well as to themselves.
e. Marijuana - useful medicine against :
-high-blood pressure
-menstrual bleeding
-Nausea – cancer patients often experience when given chemo.
Strong effect on sensation when the person abused taking marijuana:
-smells are richer
-Most sensory experiences are greatly enhanced or augmented.
-The musical sounds are heard seems to be fuller
-The colors are brighter
-Foods taste better
-Sexual sensations are more intense.
-Time is greatly distorted
Alcohol –affects the motor coordination of the body
-it kills nerve cells
-disrupts motor coordination (muscle movement)
-destroy brain tissues
-changes in behavioral changes w/ chronic drunkenness
-affects speech and encourages emotional outbursts.
Moprobamiate – lowers the level of muscular activity
-Increase the output in inhibitory molecules w/ the neuro- muscular synapse.
Reasons of the adolescents:
-Influence on the peer group
-The need to belong
-The need to relieve monotony, and boredom feelings
-Feelings of inadequacy or emotional problems (such as persistency, anxiety or depression)
Reasons of the older people:
-counteract stress
Motivation and Emotion
The nature of motivation:
• Motivation is not dichotomous
o Little utility in thinking a student “is” or “is not” motivated.
• Motivation is dynamic and continuous
o It is a probability that an individual will engage in and maintain a certain activity.
• Motivation is therefore subject to numerous factors
o Instructors have no affect on some factors but may have significant affects on other factors.
Motivation- comes from the the Latin word “movere” which means to move.
- is a desire to achieve a goal, combined with the energy to work towards.
- it process that initiate, sustain and direct behavior.
- aspect of human behavior that deals with understanding human beings behave the
way they do.
The Motivation Cycle
Motivation Cycle- one goal leads to to other drives.
Abraham Maslow- expressed the increasing need of human being in a hierarchal order.
Maslow's Hierarchical Needs
Self – actualization or self fulfillment
Esteem need or need for self respect
Love and belongingness or need of appreciation
Safety and security needs or need for stability and order
Physiological needs, such as need for food water and air.
• Kinds of Motives or Drives:
• Physiological drives or motives – these drives are inborn and present and birth
• The Hunger drives – this is perhaps the first need that need the human being satisfies at birth.
• Thirst -the thirst drives is much stronger than the hunger drive.
• Oxygen need or air hunger – a need more powerful tan either hunger or thirst is the need for oxygen, more commonly referred to as their hunger.
• Fatigue – drives which motivates people to action
• Rest and Sleep – drives that one form of getting rid of fatigue, but it is not the same at rest.
• Avoidance of pain – the study of pain perception reveals that pain sensation are received by a variety of nerve ending.
• Elimination drive – the pressure or distention in these organs tends to stimulate th drive to empty them.
• Sex drive – this drive is not essential to life, but it is responsible for the preservation of the species.
• The maternal drives – all mammal mother, including the human mother, manifest the maternal drive in taking care of their young.
• Warmth and Cold – the perception of warmth and cold is a drive for behavior.
• Physiological and social Drives – a drives thought to be connected with the nomoestatic regulatory mechanism of the body.
• Parent – child motives – human infants cannot meet their physiological needs by themselves.
• Peer group relations – the affiliation motive – the social adjustment of the individual will depend on the extent to which these motives are satisfied.
• Motives related to competence and self – the first of these motives is achievement motivation or the desire to accomplish something.
Motivation and Emotions
• Development of Motives
Punishment and reward in development
Secondary reinforcement and development
• Nature and Definition of Emotion:
Emotion – comes from the Latin verb “emovere” which means to stip up, agitate, upset or move.
• emotion has been recognized as an integrated reaction both internal and external bodily changes.
• It is also involves a changes in the minute physiological, neural and glandular changes in the entire human being, not just a part of him.
• Emotion is, therefore, experienced by the entire person.
• Theories of Emotion
James Lange theory of emotion – a theory which states that when the object is perceived, physiological changes occur, the emotion follows.
- this theory was proposed in two different places one in America, the other in Denmark
• William James – the famous American philosopher and psychologist, proposed a theory of emotion which was rather different from the ordinary or common sense concept of how an emotion is felt.
- he proposed the ff. Steps in an emotional experiences
1.) the person perceives the situation that evokes the emotion
2.) he become aware of the emotion; then he reacts to the emotion.
3.) We realize we are afraid and a feel afraid.
• Carl G. Lange – A Danish physiologist and psychologist working independent of William James, also prosed the same explanation of the occurrence of an emotion.
• Hypothalamic Theory of emotion – a theory that identifies the hypothalamus as the control center of neutral activity involved in emotion
hypothalamus – is the control center of the neural activity involved in emotion
Walter B. Canon – noted that physiological changes accompanied different emotion hence bodily change alone could not account for the different human feeling ( Dworetzky 1985 ).
According to some researches, the main contribution of this theory is the recognition that a control center for emotion is located in the hypothalamus
• Schachter and Singer's theory of Emotion – a given body state lads to different emotions depending on interpretation
S. Schachter and R. Singer – asserted the emotions reflect how we intercept autonomic arousal in the light of all the information we have about ourselves and the situation.
In short, this theory proposed that a given body state could lead to different emotions depending on how you interpret the states.
• Lzarus's Cognitive theory
Arnold Lazarus ( Feb. 1984 ) - American psychologist says that “ an emotion is not definable sorely be behavior, subjective reports, or physiological changes.
Lazarus was led to this theory by the ff. fact;
a. you can experience “arousal” just by exercising
b. you can experience “feeling” that are not really emotions.
c. You can learn to behave in a stereo-typed manner that will make others presume you are experiencing an emotion when you are really just faking it . You can observe actors and other performers do this all the time.
• Synthesis of the Different Theories of Emotion
o 1st it is not capable that emotional behavior involves variations in reticular activation, pattern of physiological changes, specialized bodily expression and movements.
o 2nd all components interact in a feedback controlled process, sometimes leading to heightened levels of activity and enhancements of motives.
o 3rd the automatic nervous system plays an important role in the function of emotions.
o 4th there is ample evidence to show that the hypothalamus is the seat of the emotions.
o 5th learning plays an important role in the acquisition of emotion responses.
o 6th there are are behavioral expressions of emotions.
o 7th a given body state could lead to different emotions depending on how you interpret the state.
• Aspects of Emotion
• there are three aspects of emotion namely: Physiological Changes, Emotional Behavior, and Personal Emotional Experience.
o Physiological Aspect
- there are organs of our body that are affected among the physiological changes caused by emotion. ( Circulatory System, Respiratory System, Nervous System.)
• Facial Expression
- these are the animals facial expression s that are modified into humans facial expressions like ( decision, mockery, scorn, or anger ).
- hissing, growling, snarling, barking or display of the teeth.
- Many of this expression also are becoming universal because, one can tell easily by the expression of the face whether a person is happy, sad, eager, or angry regardless on his/ here face.
• Vocal Expression
Emotional Behavior
Personal Emotional Experience
• Classification of Emotion
• Basic vs. Derived Emotion
• Mild vs. Intense Emotion
• Pleasant vs. Unpleasantness emotions
• Positive vs Negative Emotions
• Fear
• Anger
• Love
• Control of Emotion.
Capitalism Detrimental to Social Justice
In my own opinion capitalism is indeed detrimental to social injustice for in capitalism exploitation of the proletariat class is evident. The bourgeoisie or the ruling class controls almost everything; they even act as gods manipulating almost every action of their dummies.
In a capitalistic society as time passes by the rich becomes richer and the poor becomes poorer. It’s a sad fact that our own country the Philippines is partly capitalistic and its one of the major reasons why poverty prevails in our Bayang Sinilangan. We celebrate Independence Day yet we forget the essence of true freedom. Most of us have forgotten that our heroes didn’t die just for us to continue being manipulated by the rich foreign countries; acting as friends yet using us unnoticeably. What’s more hurting is that we even exploit our own kind.
Capitalism for me is a ghost that hunts each one of us and will hunt the future generation. It’s hard to run away from the truth, that it’s difficult to break away from the chains of capitalism. Through capitalism the ones who supply raw materials, the farmers the fishermen and other lowly people involved in agriculture are paid less than what they deserve and the ones who buy the materials are over pricing and continuously holding the necks of the proletariat. It’s difficult to move up in the hierarchy of this system to.
Capitalism is detrimental to social justice no matter how we convince ourselves of its posstive effects of it. To minimize if not eradicated capitalism in our country is like a dream that’s as high as Mt. Everest-so difficult to fulfill.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Just arrived
Care and Forget
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Nuh? How sad!
Dungan sa mga nagkalain-laing, ug arang ka laing mga nawong nga misulod dinhi sa atong tunghaan ang mga lain sab nga mga panghitabo ug mga batasang lain nga ambot kung kanus-a pa kaha malain. Kining mga butanga dili makaapekto sa usa ra nato apan kanatong tanang mga taga beska ug sa mga buysita. Pipila niining mga isyo maayo unta apan gipangil-ad lamang tungod ra sab sa mga taw nga gahi ayo ug mga ulo, apan ang uban sab sa bisan unsang angulo di jud muqualify sa maayo.
Memorandum Circular no. 39
Nakabasa ka ba sa mga gipapilit sa inyong mga bulletin board? Niadto pa kining Agosto 3, 2009 gipapilit apan tungod siguro kay way picture wala man lang nato nabantayan. Nasulod sa memorandum Circular no. 39 series of 2009 nga para unta sa mga estudyante, faculty, staff, mga residente ug mga bisita sa bi-esyu ang pagbawal sa paghugaw-hugaw, paglabog ug mga basura ug pagpundok sa mga basura sa mga pambuplikong lugar sulod sa atong tunghaan. Maayo kini para kanato ug kini mismo gusto ni Pres JoBacs na tumanun sa tanan, ang dako nga apan lang niini dili nato malikayan nga Makita ang atong mga kaubang estudyante ug manglabay ug mga ginagmay nga butang sama sa mga wrapper sa candy ug mga resibo gikan sa mga pinalit. Sus bai, kanus-a pa ba tawn nato Makita ang kabag-uhang gusto nato mahitabo. Ginagmay lang kining mga butanga apan makaapekto kanato ug sa mga sumusunod nga henerasyon. Nasulod sa giingon nga memorandum ang fine nga dili muobos sa tresentos pisos og community service nga dili mumubo sa usa ka adlaw, unya? Naa naba kahay nasakpan? Naa bay nagpakabana? Bisan pa sigurog mulabay ka sa atubangan sa guardya wa gid musita nimo. Hay naku!
Condom wrappers
Kung swete ug mahilig ka magtambay sa beach para magpahungaw sa imong gibati-- mangutot, magdate-date, magtuon ug unsa pa ba kaha, makaplagan mo siguro ang mga nagkalain-lain dikolor nga shiny shimmering thingy sa atong mga balas. Nuh? Nice bai, murag decoration ang effect. Hinuon pud hapit na Christmas, creative gid ning mga taw sa atong eskwelahan. Kalami tagaan ug award. Well, sa laing bahin maayo sad ni sila nga pahinumdon nato nga kinahanglan naa tay pagsalig—TRUST ba in engles. Indoy ug inday, kung naghimo nalang gani pog milagro ayaw lang tawn mo panghugaw-hugaw sa nature ui, plus maguba and ambiance sa place ug ang concentration sa mga tawng gusto maghuna-huna. Unja maapaktohan among ka-inosente de ti. Ehem(natuk-an kos ako laway).
You are entering a smoke-free university
Wow bai, kung libre sigarilyo pa lang unta ang gimean ani daghan sigurong magsadya. Matud pa sa poster nga gipilit sa mga DevCom dinha sa pultahan sa MMDC, usa sa tulo ka nga batan-on nga manigarilyo mamatay tungod sa ilang mga binuhatan. Siyam sa napulo ka mga di manigarilyo apan magsigeg kalanghap aning mga demyo nga aso ang may taas nga posibilidad nga mamatay tungod sa lung cancer ug heart disease. Ui brod! Kung gusto ka mamatay ayaw tawn mi damaya ter. Ang panigarilyo dili lang makapatay sa mga tawng nagbuhot mismo apan makaapekto sad sa mga taw sa palibot.
Respeto lang gamay brod! Sulod ug kahon nga sirado usa ka manigarilyo aron maimo tanang epekto. Isulod pud dapat sa utok nga wala nagkapoy-kapoy ug nag-antos ang kasagarang estudyante sa pagskwela para lang mamatay tungod sa sigarilyo.
Automated enrollment
Sosyal na ang beska bai. Alams na, din a gud ta mangbaktas ayo ug lagyo para ra marehistro nga tinuod nga estudyante. Sa CHOWKING nalang halos tanang proseso. Gituyo kini sa atong tunghaan para dili kaayo madugay ang mga estudyante ug less-stressful daw. Dili lagi kaayo kuno pero kapoy ug stressful gihapon. Ngano? Kung wala paka kahibaw luoy gid ka pag-ayo. Processing starts at 8 am. Alas otso daw bai, kasabot ka? Alas otso pa daw sila mambaktas padung sa enrolanan or worst alas otso pa tawn manghakot. Hay nako manindog man pud tawn ato mga buhok ug humuwat. Ui ready na ang enrolanan, unsa naman say kulang? Nako po! Wa pa ang enrolment forms. Kay ngano? Simple ang rason, nagpaparlor pa siguro ang muhatag ug musign, ang mas dako nga problema and pinaka-dako nga college in-charge pa jud ang wa. Kaluoy sa mga estudyante, way laing mahimo kundi magtabi. Sir, Ma’am, pwede man siguro ug huna-hunaun pud nga enrolment ra ang tuyo sa mga estudyante ug lagyo tawn ang mga gigikanan sa kasagarang estudyante. Haizt, mabiyaan man lamang tawn sa last trip.
Black is beautiful
Brod? Asa nga Halloween party ka muadto? Itom man lagi halos tanan. Pastilan brod kung gabiing dako ja nag-ingana pa jud ka, sure na aan kang ungo. Ingana nalang gid diay ka pobre ang Pilipinas nga di naman ka afford ug palit ug samin. Announcement po! Naa nay abli nga NOVO sa Baybay, barato ang samin, palit na tawn mu, ayaw pud nang tagsingko ra kay mata ray makit-an ana. Palit ug tibuok para masabtan nimu unsa nay nahitabo. Naku! Makasala man lamang tag ahat. Kasav-an ta ni Bro.
Bai! Ayaw tawn kalimti nga dili tanang uso angay nimu. Ang kasagarang problem sa Pinoy, ang uso sa Mars iapil sa Pilipins. Lahi baya tag beauty bai. Art man daw na siya ingon sa Humanities 11, na-overan ra siguro kay murag nagpaka-aring ingnon naman hinuon ta. Kalma lang brod!
Register and Vote
Nice one. Libreng pahinumdom. Nindot ug content, salamat pag-ayo, pero Sir mura mag gihimo nasad mi nimung uto-uto. Mao nay subtle campaign. Duol na jud diay ang eleksyon. Nagpataka nag panggamit ang mga politico para mabaligya ilang mga ngan. Dako jud siguro ang makamkam mao mugasto para ra ana. Hinuon, and politika ang usa sa mga pinakamaajong negosyo karung panahuna, kausa ra gud ka mugasto, mangurakot nalang ka dayon ingkahuman-solve na ang tanan.
Maglipay tang tanan, naa nasay mga nagpatinuod nga maayo jud ang atong tunghaan. Top-notchers, board passers? Name the course and we have it. Maayo man ang mga tarp nga atong gipambitay sa gawas. Busa usa ka taga-bi-esyu maproud jud ka dapat. Sa pikas nga bahin sa estorya, nagkadugay nanggawas naman tawn ang mga picture nga dili unta dapat makita.
Nagkabaylo siguro ang mga letrato, ang formal tuas facebook and informal naa sa gate gipost. Dili unta nato kalimtan kung kita man ang in-charge nga mga edukado nga taw ang kasagarang muari sa atong eskwelan. Mahiya naman tayo. Mura mag pang personal album ra ato mga picture.
Sa tinuorayng pagkasulti daghan pa kaayong butang ang dapat natong hisgutan ug tagaan ug bili ug panahon apan mura na siguro kabag-a ug Webster’s dictionary ang kabag-on sa atong Amaranth kung ato pa silang hutdon. Palihog lang sa mga naigo, ajaw mo palabig pabuta-buta, ibuka inyong mga mata kay basin malahos inyong drama. Kamu ra poy alaot-di ja lalim. Nuh? How sad.
Knowing our Comfort Zones
As I was surfing the net, I encountered such facts I considered fun, true and good to share. These facts may seem so strange but if we only open our eyes to what’s really happening around the globe, and then we can see that these facts are real. Toilets-we often use them but seldom talk about them, they look too simple yet there are a lot of amazing truths about them. Here are some facts I have collected. We sure can laugh about this truths but can’t just neglect them.
A rat can tread water for up to 3 days and can survive being flushed down the toilet, returning to the building via the same route. - Discover Magazine, 12/06.
The average person spends three whole years of their life sitting on the toilet.
The first toilet cubicle in a row is the least used (and consequently cleanest).
King George II of Great Britain died falling off a toilet on the 25th of October 1760.
90% of pharmaceuticals taken by people are excreted through urination. Therefore our sewer systems contain heavy doses of drugs. A recent study by the EPA has found fish containing trace amounts of estrogen, cholesterol-lowering drugs, pain relievers, antibiotics, caffeine and even anti-depressants.
The toilet handle in a public restroom can have up to 40,000 germs per square inch.
There are toilet museums present
Lack of suitable toilets and sanitation kills approximately 1.8 million people a year, many of them children.
Strange but true. It’s nice to know our comfort zones!
Case Study
Case Study
Republic of the Philippines
G.R. No. 164025 May 8, 2009
The Problem:
After the issuance of Presidential Decree no. 27 by the late President Ferdinand Marcos, it was declared that land owners with agricultural lands of more than 7 hectares should give the rest to other farmers and only keep the remaining seven hectares. The late Honorato de Leon the registered owner of an agricultural land situated at Barangay Carmen, Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija and covered by Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 10918-R that had excess land of 36.1238 hectares that was acquired by the Department of Agrarian Reform. It was also stated in P.D. no. 27 that the owner of lands to be distributed must be given just compensation. The heirs of Honorato de Leon complained that the land acquired by the Department of Agrarian Reform was not given just compensation.
Manifestations or Causes of the Problem:
The cause of the problem is the unfairness the respondents saw in the computation of compensation for the land they gave up for the obedience of the Presidential Decree no. 27 by the late President Ferdinand Marcos. The heirs of Honorato de Leon prayed for just compensation. Finding the land valuation offered by the DAR to be very low, respondents filed a complaint for the fixing of just compensation before the RTC of Cabanatuan City, sitting as a Special Agrarian. A certain Atty. Benjamin Baui, the Legal Officer of DAR-Cabanatuan City, also entered into a compromise agreement with herein respondents. The agreement, which was approved by the SAC on 29 June 2001 after petitioner failed to file a comment thereto, provided the payment of just compensation in the amount of P19,371,385.00. However the decisions were again changed. The problem became bigger due to the changeable decisions given by the courts.
Analysis and Evaluation
The case between the Land Bank of the Philippines and the heirs of Honorato de Leon is full of twist and turns due to the different decisions given by different courts. Without meditating on the case for sometime one cannot see clearly what the two sides are pointing about due to the many actions that took place before this case was filled. Terms like the certiorari wasn’t clear before. A Certiorari is a legal term in law that refers to the type of writ that seeks for review. A writ of certiorari currently means an order by a higher court directing a lower court, tribunal, or public authority to send the record in a given case for review.
On the side of the respondents here they only sought for just compensation basing on the way compensation should be computed in Presidential Decree no. 27, (a) an average gross production (AGP) of 195 cavans per hectare per year or 17,610.35 cavans for the entire 36.1238 hectares; (b) plus simple interest of 6% per annum for 20 years on the 17,610.35 cavans or 21,132.41 cavans; and (c) government support price of P500.00. Using the aforementioned values, respondents claimed that the total just compensation due them should be in the amount of P19,371,385.00.
The entry of Atty. Benjamin Baui, the Legal Officer of DAR-Cabanatuan City gave strength on what the respondents were fighting but it was not given prime importance although it was approved before since the SAC denied the motion for execution of the compromise judgment on the ground of oversight on the part of Atty. Baui regarding his authority to enter into a settlement.
The judgment was rendered ordering the Department of Agrarian Reform through the Land Bank of the Philippines to pay petitioners the total amount of one million eight hundred ninety-six thousand four hundred ninety-nine pesos and fifty centavos (P1,896,499.50), Philippine Currency without interests, representing the just compensation of the property with the total area of 36.1238 hectares located in Barangay Carmen, Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija, covered by TCT No. 10218.
Petitioner filed an appeal docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 77619, arguing that just compensation should be fixed based on the formula in P.D. No. 27 in relation to Executive Order No. 228, providing a government support price of P35.00. Using the said formula and the provision on interest under DAR A.O. No. 13, series of 1994, petitioner prayed that just compensation be fixed at P706,754.90.
Respondents questioned the authority of the Court of Appeals to give due course to the appeal, considering that the compromise judgment had not been set aside under Rule 38 of the Rules of Court. In a Resolution dated 8 October 2004, the Court of Appeals affirmed its jurisdiction to take cognizance of petitioner’s appeal.
The decision of the court at that time was that the Court of Appeals Committed a grave error of law when it used different factors or data in the determination of just compensation of subject Riceland, in utter disregard of the evidence on record and the pertinent provisions of Presidential Decree no. 27 and Executive order no. 228.
The case was raised to the higher court and the question was the amount to be paid again since both parties are not satisfied by the court’s decision. In Sec. 17. Determination of Just Compensation. In determining just compensation, the cost of acquisition of the land, the current value of the like properties, its nature, actual use and income, the sworn valuation by the owner, the tax declarations, and the assessments made by government assessors shall be considered. The social and economic benefits contributed by the farmers and the farm workers and by the Government to the property as well as the non-payment of taxes or loans secured from any government financing institution on the said land shall be considered as additional factors to determine its valuation.
The road to decision making was really long but fortunately the court had already given their final decision that the instant petition for review on certiorari is DENIED and the decision and resolution of the court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 77619 are REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Agrarian Case No. 98-AF is REMANDED to the Regional Trial Court, Branch 26, Cabanatuan City, which is directed to determine with dispatch the just compensation due respondents strictly in accordance with DAR A.O. No. 5, series of 1998.
The group is on the side of the respondents for most of us think that the compensation was really low compared to what was supposed to be given. The land-owners like the tenant farmers must be given agrarian justice.
The lower court before going to the higher court must review all data given to ensure that time isn’t wasted just for the utilization of land. Too much twist happened in the case which we think was bad for it further gave confusion to both sides. The Department of Agrarian Reform must also consider the side of the landowner and give just compensation for the land they acquired for tenant farmers. Though the owner’s land must be divided and only seven hectares should be left the owner’s rights must also be considered.
The case was confusing but the court gave a final decision that is in accordance with DAR A.O. No. 5, series of 1998. Time was wasted but at least a fixed decision was made that would be for the better of both parties.
Respect for Women
In history, one cannot erase the time when we women were made slaves, given low priority and limited rights. My thinking is that despite the "machismo" and "double standard" traits that supposedly characterize Filipino society, women in the Philippines have faced less discrimination compared to their counterparts in Western, Middle-eastern, and North Asian countries. I believe this stems partly from the economic difficulties in the Philippines which have forced women into the labor force early on, thus achieving economic and social equality for some. Unfortunately, not all women were lucky enough to have overcome the discrimination and all, and until now we women are still f trying hard to have our rights respected and acknowledge.
In the middle and lower income levels, women are more likely to seek and find opportunities to survive, make an income, manage their own lives, dominate the domestic sphere, and manipulate men like that of what’s happening outside our country.
In the harsh reality of life, I may say that some facts or points mostly exposed about women are typical textbook knowledge and really off the mark in reality. Yes, we see our own Gloria Macapagal Arroyo as president but we must face the fact that many still question her leadership not only because of her lapses, but also because she’s a woman. If we look at tabloids we’ll see many cases of rape, spousal abuse, and of marital disputes. Very often, the victims are the ones who are least able to defend themselves, like women and children.
The 2010 election is near and as usual, opposing parties question the strengths of women contenders. It is really not that easy for women to enter politics, it’s almost like forcing a camel to pass the hole of the one-peso worth needle. Did you know that there was even a time that our grandmother’s fought for suffrage - the right to vote, and males reasoned out that we women shouldn’t enter politics for it might mean that our “ilaw ng tahanan” may produce less light? That the weight of their reasons are not enough to hamper women from making another step to go to the next level. After all in the history of Philippines Comprehensive Agrarian Reform (CARP) existed because of a woman, President Corazon Aquino and despite how other politicians stain of GMA, she wasn’t even kicked out of service and the value of the Philippine peso even improved in her reign.
People shouldn’t underestimate women for we are made equal in this world. Women may not have much physical strengths as what most men claim but in other aspects we are way better than men. A woman’s instinct is better than a ma’s reasoning most of the time.
Respect is one thing that women seek, the reason why we try our best to fight for our right to be heard. We want our rights and we don’t just need bills that will soon be forgotten. What’s written on papers are not enough and the only way to make a change is to start on the way we think. Once we change our thinking well there’s no way we can’t achieve what we want.