Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Knowing our Comfort Zones

As I was surfing the net, I encountered such facts I considered fun, true and good to share. These facts may seem so strange but if we only open our eyes to what’s really happening around the globe, and then we can see that these facts are real. Toilets-we often use them but seldom talk about them, they look too simple yet there are a lot of amazing truths about them. Here are some facts I have collected. We sure can laugh about this truths but can’t just neglect them.

* A rat can tread water for up to 3 days and can survive being flushed down the toilet, returning to the building via the same route. - Discover Magazine, 12/06.

* The average person spends three whole years of their life sitting on the toilet.

* The first toilet cubicle in a row is the least used (and consequently cleanest).

* King George II of Great Britain died falling off a toilet on the 25th of October 1760.

* 90% of pharmaceuticals taken by people are excreted through urination. Therefore our sewer systems contain heavy doses of drugs. A recent study by the EPA has found fish containing trace amounts of estrogen, cholesterol-lowering drugs, pain relievers, antibiotics, caffeine and even anti-depressants.

* The toilet handle in a public restroom can have up to 40,000 germs per square inch.

* There are toilet museums present

* Lack of suitable toilets and sanitation kills approximately 1.8 million people a year, many of them children.

Strange but true. It’s nice to know our comfort zones!

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