In history, one cannot erase the time when we women were made slaves, given low priority and limited rights. My thinking is that despite the "machismo" and "double standard" traits that supposedly characterize Filipino society, women in the Philippines have faced less discrimination compared to their counterparts in Western, Middle-eastern, and North Asian countries. I believe this stems partly from the economic difficulties in the Philippines which have forced women into the labor force early on, thus achieving economic and social equality for some. Unfortunately, not all women were lucky enough to have overcome the discrimination and all, and until now we women are still f trying hard to have our rights respected and acknowledge.
In the middle and lower income levels, women are more likely to seek and find opportunities to survive, make an income, manage their own lives, dominate the domestic sphere, and manipulate men like that of what’s happening outside our country.
In the harsh reality of life, I may say that some facts or points mostly exposed about women are typical textbook knowledge and really off the mark in reality. Yes, we see our own Gloria Macapagal Arroyo as president but we must face the fact that many still question her leadership not only because of her lapses, but also because she’s a woman. If we look at tabloids we’ll see many cases of rape, spousal abuse, and of marital disputes. Very often, the victims are the ones who are least able to defend themselves, like women and children.
The 2010 election is near and as usual, opposing parties question the strengths of women contenders. It is really not that easy for women to enter politics, it’s almost like forcing a camel to pass the hole of the one-peso worth needle. Did you know that there was even a time that our grandmother’s fought for suffrage - the right to vote, and males reasoned out that we women shouldn’t enter politics for it might mean that our “ilaw ng tahanan” may produce less light? That the weight of their reasons are not enough to hamper women from making another step to go to the next level. After all in the history of Philippines Comprehensive Agrarian Reform (CARP) existed because of a woman, President Corazon Aquino and despite how other politicians stain of GMA, she wasn’t even kicked out of service and the value of the Philippine peso even improved in her reign.
People shouldn’t underestimate women for we are made equal in this world. Women may not have much physical strengths as what most men claim but in other aspects we are way better than men. A woman’s instinct is better than a ma’s reasoning most of the time.
Respect is one thing that women seek, the reason why we try our best to fight for our right to be heard. We want our rights and we don’t just need bills that will soon be forgotten. What’s written on papers are not enough and the only way to make a change is to start on the way we think. Once we change our thinking well there’s no way we can’t achieve what we want.
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